The Ultimate List of Capcom Beat ‘Em Ups
Here’s a list of some of the greatest Capcom beat ’em up games ever made. These were undoubtedly the finest the coin-op industry had to offer at the time. There was nothing quite like the thrill of teaming up with some people to crush some baddies. Read on and enjoy. Final Fight (1989) Capcom Play System The granddaddy of the Capcom beat ’em ups, Final Fight took the formula set forth by Double Dragon in 1987 and improved upon it dramatically. Unlike the Konami games of the time, Final Fight employed a high degree of precision in executing the extensive breadth of moves that each character could perform vs. mindless button mashing to do random moves. Final Fight takes place in New York pitting the three protagonists Guy, Cody, and Haggar against a large street gang known as Mad Gear. The game employs a cutscene in its attract mode showing that New York City Mayor Mike Haggar’s daughter Jessica has been kidnapped by the gang. Jessica’s boyfriend Cody and his friend Guy team up with Haggar to fight the high volume of crime in the city and rescue her. Thematically the game is very gritty looking, representing the New York…