Google Nexus 7 (2012) Retrospective
Google Nexus 7 Box (I might still have this somewhere…) Foreword: As has become something of a Christmas Eve tradition for me over the years, I was faced with a new challenge with my aging Google Nexus 7 (2012). I only have 2 games that I play on either my phones or the Nexus 7: Flow and Flow Free Hexes. Both games received updates that rendered them incompatible with the CyanogenMod 10.2 (Jelly Bean 4.3) ROM I was using, and since those games encompass my bedtime “chill out” ritual, that was major a problem. Upon a bit of research however I made a radical discovery that people made not just Android Nougat work on the archaic Nexus 7, but even an Oreo build as well. (Though I was unable to get GApps to work with that due to storage limitations.) That’s 3 or 4 new versions of Android since the Nexus 7’s debut of Jelly Bean, and what’s even more incredible, is with some mods it can still perform like it came out of the box in 2012. Nexus 7 unveiling at Google I/O 2012. Background: The Nexus 7 has its place in history, and its own array of lore….